
Pasta Alla Norcina

( 3.6 out of 5 )
Save Recipe Pasta alla Norcina Recipe
  • 1Yield
  • -4Servings+
  • 10 mPrep Time
  • 15 mCook Time
  • 25 mReady In
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Pasta alla Norcina is a traditional dish of Umbrian cuisine. It takes its name from the town of Norcia, famous throughout the world for the production of sausages.

It is a rich and substantial first course, easy and very fast, particularly suitable for Autumn and Winter which is prepared with pork sausage (the Norcia sausage would be ideal) crumbled in a pan with oil and onion, fresh cream , truffle and pecorino. As kind of pasta are preferable penne, rigatoni or the traditional strangozzi (a handmade pasta typical of Umbria).



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Nutrients in a portion (120gr)

Fat Total

Step by step method

  • Step 1

    Peel and crumble sausages.

  • Step 2

    Fry the chopped onion with a little oil in a large pan.

  • Step 3

    Add the sausages, fry for a few minutes and add the white wine.

  • Step 4

    In the meantime bring the water to the boil, add salt and pour the pasta.

  • Step 5

    Add the cream to the sausage, stir, the grated truffle and add the pepper.

  • Step 6

    Drain the pasta al dente, add it to the sauce of cream and sausage and sauté for at least a minute.

  • Step 7

    Once ready, add a few flakes of truffle and grated pecorino romano, and serve it hot.

Tips & variations

  • If you don't have the black truffle, you can use an oil flavored with truffles: the flavor will be less intense, but the pasta alla norcina will still be excellent. Or you can try a simpler version with only sausage and cream, without using truffles.

  • Due to the presence of the cream, the Pasta alla Norcina should be consumed immediately or you can keep it in the fridge for up to 1 day.

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