Dishes Of Umbrian Cuisine To Try
The gastronomical specialties of Umbria region are endless. It is one of the areas of Italy with more variety of products and preparation, according to the territory of origin and traditions handed down from family to family. Umbrian cuisine is influenced by the neighboring regions of Tuscany, Latium and Marche, which lead to the birth of the excellent Umbrian cooking.
Testo Cake
It is not a cake, but rather one of the most versatile dishes of Umbrian cooking. It takes its name from the instrument that is used to cook the dough. It is a disc in stone on which they were also cooked in the past focaccia. Today the material has changed and it is passed to the cast iron, but the result is always the same: a warm and simple dough made of flour, water, salt and bicarbonate, ready to be stuffed with local specialties.

Strangozzi at spoletina
A first course of the Umbrian tradition. A fresh pasta that resembles fettuccine with a rectangular section, made with wheat flour and water. The name varies depending on the area, as does the seasoning, which in Spoleto is made with garlic and tomato, while in the region it is also enriched with black truffle from Norcia, with sausage and ricotta cheese or with garlic, oil and chili pepper.

Rocciata of Assisi
A cake which reminds many people of apple strudel, but which is actually very different from the Trentino dish. Rocciata is a round cake made with walnuts, apples and dried fruit, enclosed in a thin pastry brushed with alchermes. In its savory version it is called Fojata and it is stuffed with chard, spinach, chicory and herbs. A last version, called Biscio, has a stuffing made of pan-fried vegetables. It was the snack of the pilgrims along the Via Francigena.

Friccò of Gubbio
A stew of white meat, usually chicken, lamb and rabbit. The meat becomes soft and juicy thanks to stewing. It is served in an earthenware pan, where it was once also cooked, and with vegetables on the side. The custom provides that it is accompanied with torta al testo, which takes the name of crescia in these localities. A dish born poor, but that today has a new life.

Pasta alla Norcina
The norcina tradition of Umbria is known all over the world. To assist to the workmanship of the pork is an invaluable experience, but it is even more the moment of the tasting. Pasta alla norcina, among onion, garlic and sheep ricotta cheese, sees as main ingredient the pork sausage. A product which has made the history of local tradition. To complete the dish, a nice sprinkling of truffle.