5 curiosities about pasta

5 Interesting Curiosities About Pasta

It is one of the basic ingredients of the Mediterranean diet and it’s consume in Italy is over 1 million and 600 thousand tons a year. Pasta, loved and known throughout the world as a symbol of Italian culinary tradition, has a very ancient history, full of nice anecdotes. Here are 5 of the most

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Bucatini The Original Pasta of Rome

Bucatini, The Typical Pasta Of The City Of Rome

The Bucatini are a type of long pasta similar to big pierced spaghetti, typical of the city of Rome that combines them with strong and simple condiments (Gricia, Amatriciana, Carbonara). It is a pasta made from durum wheat semolina. Cooking time is more or less the same as spaghetti because, even if they are bigger,

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5 Favorite Summer Dishes

5 Favorite Summer Dishes of Italian People

Every year, when summer time arrives, they start searching for the most pleasing cold dishes to taste. The Mediterranean climate is not always clement and sometimes we tend to prefer something fresh, light and based on seasonal products. Italian cooking always pays attention to the use of seasonal ingredients. This allows to consume foods rich

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Spaghetti di Gragnano e colatura di alici ok

The Exquisite Colatura di Alici di Cetara

Colatura di Alici di Cetara (Anchovy Drippings) is an Italian fish sauce made from anchovies, from the small fishing village of Cetara, Campania. The sauce is a transparent, amber-colored liquid, produced by fermenting anchovies in brine. The fish used in the sauce are harvested from the Amalfi Coast between March 25 (Annunciation) and July 22.  The

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Italian Tagliatella

5 Curiosities That A Few Know About Italian Food

Italian cuisine has developed through centuries of social and economic changes, with roots extending to antiquity. Significant changes have occurred with the discovery of America and the introduction of potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, corn and sugar beets. It’s known for its regional diversity, especially between the North and South of the peninsula, offers an abundance of tastes

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The Origins of Pizzoccheri alla Valtellinese

It seems that buckwheat was cultivated for the first time in Asia, precisely in the region of Himalayas, buckwheat then spread all over the world. When it arrived in Italy by Turks, it was mistakenly called Saracen Wheat. It has always been considered a product for the poorer classes, it is economical, simple to produce,

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Tuscan Ribollita Soup

6 Vegan Italian Food Ideas You Will Love

Italian food is known for its delicious pasta dishes and hearty sauces. But what about those who don’t eat meat or dairy? Don’t worry. There are plenty of vegan Italian food options that will satisfy your cravings. This article will discuss six favorite vegan Italian food ideas to help you get started.   1. Avocado

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