How to make Authentic Italian Meatballs

What To Cook With Christmas Leftovers

During the holiday season we get caught up in the excitement and cook quantities of food that are almost always leftover. Food should never be wasted and for this reason there are recipes that can reinvent dishes with leftover Christmas food. In a perspective of conscious consumption every product every ingredient should not be thrown

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Most Used Aromatic Plants in Italian Cooking

Italian cooking is rich in aromas and seasonings. More than for spices, there is a predilection for aromatic herbs. They are an excellent ally for a healthy and tasty diet, avoiding the addition of salt and fats which could make dishes heavy. Aromatic herbs provide aromas and flavors which exalt the taste of food, making

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Italian Dinner

7 Best Italian Main Dishes for Dinner

Italian Cuisine is well know all over the World especially for Pasta Dishes. But the typical Italian meal is made by a first course (normally pasta) and a second course of meat or fish accompanied by vegetables. So, we would like to present the 7 Best Italian Main Dishes which are perfect as a Sunday

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Passatelli, the Pasta of Romagna

Emilia Romagna pulls the strings of the Italian pasta making tradition. There are many local specialties that are prepared here: from tortellini, to anolini, passing by lasagna to them: passatelli. They are not as well known worldwide as all the others, but they are no less good for that. A homemade story, where women, with

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Piadina Romagnola

Origins And Variants Of Piadina Romagnola

Piadina Romagnola is the summer street food of Emilia Romagna par excellence. It is so deep-rooted to be recognized with the mark of Protected Geographical Indication (IGP). Mainly there are two different types of dough, but in practice, each family has its own personal recipe. The Piadina protected by the IGP trademark, foresees strict doses

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Fregola Pasta With Clams

Traditional Sardinian Dishes: 5 Recipes To Try

Sardinian gastronomic tradition is the result of the contamination of the cultures that overlook the Mediterranean. If in the northern part of the island we find many dishes similar to those of Liguria, in the western part we notice the Spanish influence. Everything is personalized according to the local raw materials and to the local

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Italian Bulk Groceries

How You Can Benefit From Buying Groceries In Bulk

Many people feel like they’re always buying groceries. There seems to be a never-ending need for essentials such as milk and bread, or a host of other everyday items. Whether you’re buying something mundane or trying the top Italian red wines, the costs will soon mount up. If this is a problem for you, you’re

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Pesto, History and Variants of Ligurian Sauce

Ligurian Pesto does not have roots as ancient as many other recipes of the Italian gastronomical tradition. It was in the half of the nineteenth century when we find it for the first time in the book of Giovanni Battista Ratto, a gastronome of that time, who mentions it in his work ‘La Cuciniera Genovese’.

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Italian Food

Reasons Why Italian Food Is Very Popular

No matter which country you travel to, be confident that you can find an Italian restaurant there. Italian cuisine is extremely popular everywhere, and for a good reason. While many people regard French food as the epitome of sophistication, Italian cuisine is just as delicious and even more accessible and favoured. There are plenty of

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